(no title)

Women’s Bible Studies
Tues. mornings
9:15am begins Sept. 12 (church)
or Wed. evenings 6:45pm begins Sept. 13 (off-site)
—childcare available (Tues.)
—topic: “God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1-18” by Jen Wilkin
—Tues. study contact Janet halfdoublejan@yahoo.com
—Wed. study contact Jerri Ann bitterli@mindspring.com
Sign Up Here

Wed. mornings 9:15am begins Sept. 6 (Sept.-May)
—no childcare
—topic:  the book of Luke
—more info contact Natalie cpnatalie@hotmail.com

New study coming this fall:
Precept Bible Study in the book of Acts
—Tues. or Wed. 10am-12pm (begins Sept. 12 & 13)
Four classes available
—childcare available on Wednesday only
—more details, information, and/or to register, please email: preceptboise@gmail.com

Thurs. Mornings 9:30am
—begins Thurs., Sept. 21
—childcare available
—at Karen Hickman’s home
—topic:  The Names of God, His Character Revealed by Melissa Spoelstra
—contact Karen to sign up at 208-585-4116

Tues. Evenings 7pm – BSF (Women’s Bible Study Fellowship)
—begins Sept. 12
—contact Amy Kelley for info at akelley1972@gmail.com