

Living Hope Bible Church History

The old township of Ustick derived its name from Dr. H.P. Ustick, a medical doctor who owned a large apple orchard and conceived the idea of a village in what is now considered West Boise. The town had a store, post office, bank, real estate office, blacksmith shop, cheese factory, and a packinghouse (where the first Sunday School classes were held by Mrs. Pease). During the latter part of 1907, The First Baptist Church of Ustick was organized from within this community after the results of a census showed more Baptists lived in the area than any other denomination. On January 3, 1908, the first business meeting is held at the home of Mr. J.A. Hulstrom with ten charter members.

Charter Members: Emma Briggs, William Jerome, Annie M. Hulstrom, Anna Oliver, J. A. Hulstrom, C. J. Oliver, John Ingram, Felix Roberts, Carrie Jerome, Mattie Roberts

On June 22, 1908, a contract is drawn up with A.E. Mans and Son in the old packing house to build the church building for $1149.85. The Home Mission Society extends a loan of $250 with a specification that the building is built of either stone or brick. Brick is chosen. In September 1908 the original church building on Wildwood, south of Ustick Road, is completed. The first service is held on September 20, 1908 with seats loaned from the Eagle church. Rev. Wood conducted the service.

A Timeline of Events in our Church History


The First Baptist Church of Ustick is organized in the latter part of the year based on the results of a census showing more Baptists lived in the area than other denominations.

January 3, 1908

First business meeting is held at the home of Mr. J.A. Hulstrom.

June 22, 1908

A contract is drawn up with A.E. Mans and Son in the old packing house to build the church building for $1149.85. A loan of $250 is extended by the Home Mission Society along with the specification that the building be built of stone or brick. Brick is chosen.

September 1908

The original church building on Wildwood, south of Ustick Road, is completed.

September 20, 1908

First service is held in the new church building with seats loaned from the Eagle church. Rev. Wood conducted the service. The church is finished before the schoolhouse and school was held at the church for part of a term. All grades and four years of high school are offered.

June 4, 1912

First recorded social is held at the church by members of B.Y.P.U.

June 11-14, 1918

Southeastern Baptist Convention is held at Ustick with 150 registered delegates.

December 1919

A house near the church is purchased for a Parsonage at a cost of $2000.

October 26, 1924

Due to the rapid growth of the Sunday School program, the Trustess and Deacons were instructed by the church to make plans for a basement under the building.

June 6, 1926

First recorded D.V.B. School is held, under Mr. & Mrs. Knicely.

August 1926

First Baptist Church of Ustick (originally a mission church) becomes self-supporting.

December 1929

The church must request financial aid from the Northern Baptist Convention.

March 23, 1947

The church becomes self-supporting once again.

February 17, 1951

The original church building burns down.

February 18, 1951

Sunday School and Church Services are held in the Ustick School Gym, the morning after the fire. Services continue at the Ustick School until the new building is finished.

August 1951

Work begins on a second church building. The new building is constructed on the old site, facing west instead of north.

April 27, 1952

Annual business meeting is held at the new church building.

May 11, 1952

New church building is occupied for services. The new building costs $16,212.32.

November 9, 1952

The first baptismal services in the new building are held at 3 p.m. Nine candidates are baptized.


East addition to the church building is built.

October 14, 1956

The church receives special recognition at the state convention for being among the top ten givers to missions on a per capita basis.

October 12, 1958

The 50th Anniversary Service is held. Membership has grown to 229.


The old Ustick school is purchased for the purpose of starting a Christian school. The time is not right and cost is prohibitive, so the old school is used as a gym.


A new parsonage is built on the same plot of ground as the old parsonage at the corner of Ustick and Wildwood.

April 1963

Everett Berrey begins serving as Pastor. He serves until 1969.


The old Ustick school is sold to be turned into a cannery. The money from the sale is used toward the funding of a new gym next to the church.


The new gym next to the church is completed.


A new paved parking area is completed.


2.1 acres(+) is purchased adjacent to the church property for recreational development.


An additional paved area is added for more parking.


Pastor Greg Reider begins serving as Pastor.  He serves until 2020


The parsonage is sold for use as a private residence.

March 31, 1991

The church goes to a two service schedule. An 8:30 morning service is added in addition to the regular 11:00 service.

November 1999

Property on McMillan Road is dedicated.

February 4, 2001

The church has its first service at the rented temporary facilities on the campus of the Church of God Seventh Day in Meridian.

March 2001

Work begins on the new church building on McMillan Road.

May 12, 2002

First Sunday Service held in the new church building at 14301 W. McMillan Road, Boise, Idaho.

June 9, 2002

Dedication service is held for new building.

April 20, 2008

The 100th Anniversary Service is held. Average attendance has grown to 550.

January 10, 2021

A Celebration of Faithfulness retirement service held for Pastor Greg Reider after 32 years of serving at Ustick Baptist Church

January 30, 2022

Church membership votes to change the name of the church to Living Hope Bible Church

April 10, 2022

Church membership votes to hire Chris Santaguida as the new Lead Pastor