Meet our Missionaries

Dave & Donna Jacobsson
Missionaries with MAF, serving Christ in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Served for 20+ years
- Dave is a pilot/mechanic, Donna is a homemaker (RN by training)
- We have seen their Christian witness firsthand and know that they are dedicated workers
- They have tremendous impact within both the Congo and local church communities
S & M K.
Missionaries serving in Thailand, SEND International – TESOL East Asia
- Have been in the field for nearly 20 years
- S and M have served as educators at Faith Academy (Manila)
- S has instituted and led SEND’s TESOL efforts in Manila for the past 10 years
- S and M are instituting a new TESOL program in East Asia
Consultant-in-Training with Wycliffe Bible Translators – serving in Asia
- She joined Wycliffe in 2013 and works with national deaf teams making available the Good News of Christ for the deaf
- Contact Information:

Jacob and Tara O’Brien
Serving as missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Jacob is a pilot and aircraft mechanic and is thrilled to use aviation as a tool to share the love of Christ with isolated people across DRC.

Nathan & Annie Phillips
Serving in France with BLF (Bibles & Literature in French)
- Nathan & Annie Phillips serve as career missionaries with BLF (Bibles and Literature in French) in Marpent, France. They both work at the BLF Publishing House in France. Together they have served in the publishing house for BLF since their marriage in 2012. They are fluent in the French language and are active servants for the Lord in their local French church in Feignies, France.
- Contact Information: