In the Children’s Ministry we are passionate about kids having a relationship with Jesus Christ, knowing God’s Word and living it out.


The fun begins when you walk through the door!

We place a high priority on making sure your kids have an awesome experience while learning about our loving and amazing God!

Kids Church is available at both 9:00 & 10:45AM for infant - 5th grade.

You can check in your kids at the Check-In Station.

We have taken a lot of time and planning to create a safe and fun atmosphere.

We are eager to partner with parents to lay a solid spiritual foundation for your children. The goal is to equip children from birth - 5th grade with Biblical truths to apply to their lives.

We also offer HOPE Kids AWANA on Monday nights. 6:30-7:45PM. (Sept.-April)

For Questions email info@livinghopeboise.org

Help keep our children’s ministry a safe and healthy place!

Living Hope Bible Church Wellness Policy